Dikt, lr något^^

Matilda Månsson 01:02 09-02-15

Let's be unnatural!

I'm a thousand miles away from you

Never have I felt this small

Never has the air been so cold

I'm dancing in the center of the hurricane

The wind caress my body

Every word that I'm singing is thrown out over the world

But it's like you are surrounded by the sound barrier

Nothing reaches you

Nothing reaches your heart

I'm a thousand miles away from you

I'm standing on the top of the vulcano

The fire is licking my body

The lava is floating at my feet

I'm screaming your name

But you can't hear the desperation

Or the fear in my voice

I'm a thousand miles away from you

I'm playing in the deeps of the ocean

The water is kissing my body

I'm whispering to you

But the mass is crushing down the sound

And filling my lungs with water

I'm a thousand miles away from you

I'm climbing in verdure of the forest

The plants is touching my body

I'm talking to you

But you're one step to far away

You can only hear a mumble

I'm a thousand miles away from you

I'm standing on a cliff

The wind is blowing me away, the fire is burning me, the water is washing over me, the earth is raging around me

I'm singing, I'm screaming, I'm whispering, I'm talking and trying to reach you

But you just stand there and ignore me

Living your life like nothing ever happened

But I remember, and I can't go on

I want you to hear me, to react, to act

But it's like the nature is fighting against me

Love and forgiveness is apparently not a natural thing

Let's be unnatural!


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